About Good Face Wash

We all have different daily routines. We wake up at different time, our jobs are various and unlike, but still there is something in our timetables that unites us all. In the evening, right before going to sleep we all wash the day off our faces.  Seems to be an easy process, doesn’t it? No, a good face wash is really hard to find.
First of all, look at your face. What does your skin look like? Is it in normal condition? If yes, you are lucky and can stop reading this article, if not try to reconsider the way you treat it. No more scrubs or drying with a harsh towel. This is probably not the good face wash for sensitive skin. 
Then think of the soap you use. There are various kinds of soap for different parts of body. And it certainly won’t do to wash your face with the same deodorant soap with which you wash your armpits.  The choice of soaps exactly for the face is really wide. Here you must also consider the type of your skin. A good face wash for oily skin will never be the same effective when used on a different type of skin. And the same is true about a good face wash for acne and about a good face wash for dry skin. One more thing that you must take into consideration is whether your skin is sensitive and to what extent. If your skin is very dry, anything is likely to irritate it, even hot water.
Finally, think of your washcloth. If you have sensitive skin, you probably do not need one. Otherwise it can get more prone to breakouts. One more thing is water temperature, it also should be chosen according to your skin type.