Choosing best face wash for dry skin isn’t all that easy. You should be careful as incorrect facial products can only worsen the symptoms of dry skin: itching, roughness, flaking and fine lines. Though don’t be upset, this is not the thing that happened only to you, dryness of skin is a common condition.
How to cope with dryness

Don’t forget about exfoliation. This helps skin to get rid of dead cells and become more responsive to creams and lotions.
One of the worst enemies of dry skin is weather. Especially when it is either too hot or too cold. Try to protect yourself in such weather conditions.
Moisturizers are the most popular skin care products. Every type of skin loses water which’s got to be replaced somehow, moisturizers do this job. Dry skin needs extra moisturizing most of all, it helps to ease itching and discomfort. So if your kin is dry you’ll probably have to use special creams and lotions twice a day. This is the best advice to get rid of dryness and feel more comfortable.
Here are some more tips on how to avoid dryness:
Here are some more tips on how to avoid dryness:
- Firstly, watch weather forecast: if it’s too cold you probably need some extra skin products to protect yourself.
- Follow a healthy diet. Also never forget about an exercise program – this will also do good to your skin. Vitamins, nutrients and minerals are important for your health and skin. You are what you eat, remember?
- A humidifier is not an odd thing in your room. Get one if you still don’t have it. These clever things make the air more moisturized.