How to Close Pores on Face

If your problem is large facial pores, this article will certainly help you. There are some easy ways of closing pores. So let us discuss these ways.
First of all let’s find out what facial pores are – these are very little craters on skin which appear because of clogging of pores.  When there is too much oil, sebum gets clogged and therefore pores become enlarged.

Preventing clogging will certainly help you to close face pores. To do this you’ve got to do regular exfoliation of your skin. There are some exfoliation products specially designed for oily skin. This type of skin demands special facial cleansers, creams and exfoliating agents.

Facial masks help to minimize pores. Only twenty minutes and your skin look s much better. All youг have to do is to repeat this procedure regularly. Once or twice a week will be enough. Remember to wash off the mask carefully and  dry your skin with a clean and soft towel.  
Diet is also crucial in getting rid of pores. From now on you’ve got to eat only low-fat products, as fat creates excessive oil. Fruits and vegetables should always be in your shopping list.  Not only will a low-fat diet improve your health, but also the condition of your skin will become better.

Face Wash for Dry Skin

Choosing best face wash for dry skin isn’t all that easy. You should be careful as incorrect facial products can only worsen the symptoms of dry skin: itching, roughness, flaking and fine lines. Though don’t be upset, this is not the thing that happened only to you, dryness of skin is a common condition.

How to cope with dryness
Firstly, drink more water! Absence of water is the main cause of skin dryness. But don’t wash your face more than two times a day, as washing makes dryness even worse. Be attentive when picking products for your skin. Keep in mind that they should be specially designed to manage dryness. Otherwise you may only harm your skin.
Don’t forget about exfoliation. This helps skin to get rid of dead cells and become more responsive to creams and lotions.

One of the worst enemies of dry skin is weather. Especially when it is either too hot or too cold. Try to protect yourself in such weather conditions.

Moisturizers are the most popular skin care products. Every type of skin loses water which’s got to be replaced somehow, moisturizers do this job. Dry skin needs extra moisturizing most of all, it helps to ease itching and discomfort.  So if your kin is dry you’ll probably have to use special creams and lotions twice a day. This is the best advice to get rid of dryness and feel more comfortable.

                  Here are some more tips on how to avoid dryness:
-          Firstly, watch weather forecast: if it’s too cold you probably need some extra skin products to protect yourself.

-           Follow a healthy diet. Also never forget about an exercise program – this will also do good to your skin. Vitamins, nutrients and minerals are important for your health and skin. You are what you eat, remember?

-          A humidifier is not an odd thing in your room. Get one if you still don’t have it. These clever things make the air more moisturized.

Washing Face With Water

Though it may seem that washing face is very simple and routine, there are still a lot of things to consider before you do it. Firstly, remember that by doing this simple procedure you can get rid of lots of skin problems.  And while not paying attention to it you lose your chance cure acne and other blemishes.

Certainly when dealing with acne proper cleansing is never enough, you’ve got to find the true reason of this problem. It can either have something to do with hormone change or stress.  So fight the root of your skin problem but don’t forget about washing your face with water in a right way.
One of most important points is massage. You should never forget to massage your face before washing it. Only a few minutes - and your skin is prepared for thorough washing. Avoid sensible parts of your face ( the space under your eyes, for example)  - apply massage only to cheeks and forehead. Massage can also make your skin  more tender and help the facial care products to be more effective.

Temperature. This is crucial when dealing with skin. Water should be neither too hot nor too cold.  Hot water may irritate or make your skin dryer. If you are willing to wash your face with cold water – do it at the end after all the cleaning procedures.

Remember to wash all the skin care products off your face. This is especially important if your skin is of sensitive type. Even some small amount of cleanser left on the skin can provoke an allergy or irritation. So be extremely careful to clean it all off.

When choosing towels be very attentive. They should be soft not to irritate or scratch your face.  And always finish your procedure with moisturizer; this will help your skin to become softer. 

Good Face Wash. Drying Your Face

When washing you face always keep in mind that you treat one of the most sensitive parts of your body. So, all your touches should be gentle. No matter what good face wash you buy, if you wash your face the way you wash your car, all the affords will be of no use. This is also applied to drying. Face should be patted, not rubbed. 
All the towels must be clean. Otherwise all you washing work will be spoiled.
After drying face skin, there comes the rule of 15 minutes. The scientists of the American Academy of Dermatology warn you: wait! Don’t be in a hurry to use your cream or medicine. Give your skin time to rest before you continue your “face-treating” routine. Dry face skin care is an issue that is not that easy that you think. Hasty actions might cause again irritation and accumulate all the skin problems that you already have.
Pay special attention to what creams you use. It must be only trustworthy, good products. Products of low quality might be harmful for your skin. Allergic reactions, irritation, dryness – this is even not the whole list of what you may have as a “present” from you new cream with fragrances.  
Take also into consideration some facts about natural cosmetics. Trust only old, proved recipes. When applied to dry face skin home remedy might help you to get rid of acne, dryness and so on.
As is clear from what was stated above face washing requires much time and affords. It is not that simple as it may seem. Soap and water is not really enough. Don’t be too greedy to buy the right cosmetics and tools to make your face beautiful. Beauty is power, after all. 

Good Face Washing Methods

First of all use a high quantity of cleanser. It should be a drop, not more. Use only good face wash. It is your face, after all! Then you need only water, and your fingers. If your skin is not too dry, use also a washcloth. Wash your face with gentle circular motions.
Be extremely careful when dealing with eyes. One incautious movement can cost you a lot of trouble.  Still, if you use make-up, you’ve got to wash it off every evening somehow. So use special mild make-up remover, and mind that all your motions are very gentle. Besides, pay some attention to the make-up you use. Try to avoid using waterproof make-up. It’s not easy to remove and it’ll take you a lot of time and force.

If your skin is of normal, oily or combination type, you can use a washcloth. It will also work as a scrub. So you’ll  “kill two birds with one stone” clean and exfoliate at the same time. But, if you have acne, be careful and avoid scrubing your face, it  may hurt your skin. 

Water Temperature for Washing Face

The most optimal results in cleaning face are achieved when using warm water. If you have dry skin, hot water will make it even drier. Cold water should be used after cleansing as it helps to close the pores.
Now, when you know what water temperature you should use, choose the cleanser correctly. It should be meant for face not for any other part of body. Consider also the skin type. Good face wash chosen according to your skin type will help you to get the best results. For instance, acne skin must be treated with antiseptic and gentle cleansers; otherwise the condition of the skin will get worse.
One more point is pH. Your cleanser must have the same pH as your skin, that is around 5.5. So use soap only for extremely oily skin. And for sensitive skin use some soap-free cleansers.
Dermatologists’ opinions split on what kind of cleanser should be used for very sensitive and dry skin. Some say that this must be oil- and wax-free washes; others on the contrary insist that the right decision is a cleansing cream. 
You may think that if you use a good face wash for dry skin, there is no necessity in scrubs. But it’s not so. Scrubs combine two functions: they clean and help to remove the dead skin. And it goes without saying that it is necessary for skin to go through some exfoliation from time to time. Besides, scrubs can also be different. There are mild variants specially designed for sensitive types of skin.
The thing that can really be dangerous for the skin is fragrances. They are most likely to provoke an allergy or irritation.  However, there are not many products with fragrances specially designed for face. So, avoid using body wash for your face.
Further read about useful techniques for washing your face.

Preparing to Face Wash

There are several rules that everyone should know. Firstly, tie your hair so that it does not cover your face. Then, wash your hands. This is a necessary precaution in order not to transfer germs and dirt from them to your face.

For most of us washing twice a day is quite enough. Though, if you’ve got the oily type of skin, you are likely to need to wash your face a third time. If you work out or sweat, you’d better wash it all off rather than dry your face with a towel.
When choosing a good face wash, there is always one really important thing to consider: your type of skin. Facial cleansers for sensitive skin are specially made gentler than others. People with ache-prone should use gentle cleansers.
One more aspect in face washing is water temperature. Read on about this.