Washing Face With Water

Though it may seem that washing face is very simple and routine, there are still a lot of things to consider before you do it. Firstly, remember that by doing this simple procedure you can get rid of lots of skin problems.  And while not paying attention to it you lose your chance cure acne and other blemishes.

Certainly when dealing with acne proper cleansing is never enough, you’ve got to find the true reason of this problem. It can either have something to do with hormone change or stress.  So fight the root of your skin problem but don’t forget about washing your face with water in a right way.
One of most important points is massage. You should never forget to massage your face before washing it. Only a few minutes - and your skin is prepared for thorough washing. Avoid sensible parts of your face ( the space under your eyes, for example)  - apply massage only to cheeks and forehead. Massage can also make your skin  more tender and help the facial care products to be more effective.

Temperature. This is crucial when dealing with skin. Water should be neither too hot nor too cold.  Hot water may irritate or make your skin dryer. If you are willing to wash your face with cold water – do it at the end after all the cleaning procedures.

Remember to wash all the skin care products off your face. This is especially important if your skin is of sensitive type. Even some small amount of cleanser left on the skin can provoke an allergy or irritation. So be extremely careful to clean it all off.

When choosing towels be very attentive. They should be soft not to irritate or scratch your face.  And always finish your procedure with moisturizer; this will help your skin to become softer.